The intended outcomes of providing this service is that a participant’s capacity and ability to design, develop and implement their supports is sustained and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Connection: assist the participant to develop knowledge, experience and connections with the community and broader systems of support.
  • Support Design: works together with participant to understand plan funding and its purpose. this will understand the participant’s confidence and skills, and helps participant identify what they want from services. Will develop and design support solutions to meet participant outcomes.
  • Establish Supports: assist the participant to identify and consider support options, and link the participant to the broader systems of supports. Where practical creates a supports and action plan to facilitate the participant to implement their plan.
  • Crisis: Assistance to resolve points of crisis and developing capacity and resilience in the participant's network.
  • Coach, Refine, Reflect: Coach the participant through challenges that come up. Helps participant prepare for review and report on achieved participant outcomes.